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Cape Cod Salties First Ever Open House
About this event
Reminder to all Cape Cod Salties, for our February 28, 2024 monthly meeting we will be opening up our clubhouse to the community for the inaugural Cape Cod Salties Off-Season open house. Invite you friends, bring a guest, prepare a potluck dish, come for connection and conversation, and don't miss out on this opportunity to converse with fellow anglers and outdoor enthusiasts. We'll be kicking off the new year with food, drink, door prizes, and quality time with important stakeholders in our community and around our fishery. We plan on making it a fun time for connection, conversation, and education; and we're confident it will be a great way to introduce new people to the Salties and get reconnected with old collaborators, partner clubs, local businesses, representatives, and other stakeholders in our community.
If you plan to attend or would like to volunteer with setup or bring a potluck dish, please let us know your plans using the comments section, below.
Looking forward to seeing you all there!
Yarmouth Senior Center
(Cape Cod Salties Clubhouse)
Event Contact(s)
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